The Unforgotten Trip

i ve been in KL for more than one week and 2 days. its been a very hethic week for me....
i went here sebab my boss ask me to go out station and give some kind of new market plus some kind of kursus insentive for me while im here....
i was amaze that the market in Kl was way bigger than i thought.. and of course... way bigger and much much potential berbanding Terengganu....
While I'm here.. i learn so many new things....
of course regarding with my carrier.. but some how.. we always think that we knew so much.. but yet we actually knew so little....
we always feel that life isn’t really fair.. but yet....
the rewards sometimes come in unexpected way.....
i Love the job im doing now... go over a places that i eventually take granted.....
and yet.. that places gives you the chances of living.. to earn money......
my job is to find customer....

meet them... and cuba memenuhi permintaan mereka atas keperluan mereka..... seems easy ha... hahahahha.. yet... its eventually hard to actually convince them to buy stuff from you......
at first.. i feel very embrass to go and meet the customer...
sebelum ini... aku just jumpa customer that i knew and around me....
my dear friends... and people that i knew.......
but.. when it comes to doing business.... you eventually have to go out dari kepompong dan terbang sebagai rama-rama.....

for more than this one week... i met a lot of people.. with all kind of attitude... and all kind of kerenah... some times... they upset you pretty much.. until you actually feel in deep depressed... and sometimes... they just ignore you like you are not there.... and sometimes... aku di halau keluar ..... tapi.. tidak semua manusia berkelakuan seperti itu... there are also customer who give really a good response... even out of my expectation....
living in this kind of business ... unexpexted things can happen... and all kind of things can actually happen... so.. from that i learn to prepare my self.... to overcome the over joy... the sadness... and the depression... even the tension derive from customers....
my boss told me that.... we do as we can.. and we live as we can.... if we believe in our selves... and of course believe in THE ALMIGHTY ALLAH.... we can live through anything.......
yes... i almost forgot that... my mother always say that... and i.. in disadvantage... always took what she said for granted.... bukannya tidak mendengar kata.. tapi kadang2 kita lupa....
bila di peringati balik oleh my boss... . perkara pertama yang terlintas di fikiran ku... this is what my mother always said to me......
there is nothing more that i want to share in this post..... is actually.... every single words come from our mother... is actually a priceless words that we kids always forgot and take it for granted......
REMEMBER.... there are no single parents in this whole wide world that don’t want to see their children live happily... its up to us to decide... either to listen and put in our heart.. or.. the other way around....

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