The Miracle of Water And Weight Management…..
the most next important thing after air…… anda pasti keliru.. napa plak water ada kaitan dengan weight management…. now.. here a pintch.. before i explain to you.. let go bla and bla about water that everyone knows…
setiap manusia perlukan 8 gelas air setiap hari… lebih kurang 2 liter.. sebab.. tubuh kita memerlukan kandungan kekal 70% air dalam badan (bergantung kepada jantina, umur, jenis danukuran badan, pekerjaan dan lain2).
one thing you should know is.. kadar pengambilan air dan kehilangan air almost sama dalam sehari.. and one thing you should know.. daripada 2liter air yang kita minum, 1500 ml hilang melalui urin dan selebihnya hilang sebagai bendalir dadan dan peluh atau sebagai agen interaksi dalam tubuh (kalau ikut bahasa saintifiknya, sebagai agen tindak balas kimia.. penhantaran oksigen.. fluidity dalam badan dan sebagainya).
now.. here’s the trick… as for me.. aku ni jenis yang pemalas dan sangat suka makan.. you know.. we malaysians eat not really in healthy ways.. bukan not healthy food.. but not really in healthy ways.. why?
makanan yang kita makan setiap hari bukan lah tidak sihat.. ianya sihat.. tapi jika di ambil dalam kuantiti yang banyak dan tidak terkawal.. ianya akan menjadi tidak sihat.. plus.. anda makan dengan cara yang kurang betul plus… dengan dilapisi dengan makanan yang kurang betul (snack should be vegi, fruits.. those kind of things.. bukannya kentang goreng, makanan ringan dan sebagainya).. heheheheheh
As for me.. sebab aku duk umah.. dan mak aku selalu la masak yang sedap2.. i cannot resist it.. evem i tried so many times and tried so hard.. but it won’t really works.. plus.. kecik plak ati orang tua tu kalau kita tak makan.. yer tak…
so here what i do..i’ve been doing this for over 2 years and its really works on me (dulu berat aku 85kg sekarang 70 kg) .. so.. i want to share with my fellow friends.. its not only healthy.. but it keeps your energy level at the peak… at least.. hahahahaha (its really useful for those yang malas buat exersice dan suka makan macam aku).. hahahahaha
setiap pagi.. selepas anda bangun tido .. either before you brush your teeth or after (i prefer before.. sound yuks.. i know.. hahaha).. minumlah segelas air kosong minimum.. u can drink 2 glass of plain water if yu wanted to…
this steps helps you to eliminate radicals in your body towards yr urine and helps to boost yr morning metabolite. plus.. air akan menjadi catalic for enzim yang anda simpan dalam mulut anda semalaman.. trust me… it sound yuks.. but its worthy to try…
masa makan… never ever drink a water masa tengah makan.. if you want to start eating.. drink a water before you start eating.. but not too much.. the maximum you can go is half of the glass.. (but i always go 3/4 of glass.. hahahaha.. dahaga la siot)… masa makan.. restrict yr self.. don’t drink while eating.. hehehehe
selepas makan… jangan biarkan mulut anda berbau belacan.. basuh mulut anda dan berkumur.. tapi jangan sesekali minum air .. try to relax for around 30 minutes at least.. after 30 minutes.. then drink another 1 and half glass of water.. nak lebih pun boleh…
kalau boleh.. jangan minum air bergas atau yang terlampau manis.. try to restrict that.. i got a friend who cannot live without coffee.. so.. here’s the trick.. after drinking a glass of sweet water.. drink another glass of plain water… kalau anda minum air bergas atau air dalam tin.. after drinking a can of that gassoues water.. drink another 2 glasses of plain water.. boleh ? hehehehehehe….. and if you like it.. try to drink as much water as you could.. tapi jangan la sampai penuh perut tu..
why???? here the part i like most….
air kosong adalah catalic dan penimbal utama dalam proses pemecahan lemak. either boosting our metabolite or after being fluid replacement semasa anda exersice.. pemecahan lemak akan berlaku .. and water helps to eliminate those unwated fat of yours (note that this not happen overnight).. haahahahah.. scientist had prove that water consumption by 1.5 liters a day would burn an extra 17,400 calories over a year.. that was 5 pounds..
try to do fun exersice.. i will include it in my next blog.. how to do .. fun exersice.. even anda pemalas macam saya.. tapi saya suka gak bersuka.. wakakakakka..oh wel.. i promise you guys.. you going to like this..
so… kalau anda pemalas.. dan suka makan macam saya.. dan kurang bersukan.. why not you give a try.. you don’t have anything to loose.. i bet you.. try this for a month.. and you find yourself more energetic than before…. and u feel the difference…. u feel healthier than befoe.. give it a try…
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