Is She The Right Person???????

Sebelum aku nak tulis apa2 aku nak gelak dulu.. boleh ker...
this sound silly.. but its true.....
I'm at the age of 27... and yet... this is the first time i'm in love with a gurl...
bukan tak pernah suka kat other gurl....
dulu.. masa kat U.. ada this gurl...
my course mate...even she is not as hot as other gurl...
tapi.. in my eyes.. she is so pretty... so lovely.. and so heart melted...
bila aku marah.. aku suka pi kat dia... sebab....
aku akan jadi cool balik bila borak ngan dia..
well.. unfortunately...
she's not meant for me...
she was my friend.. and will remain as friend as long as we live... :)

now.. back to this gurl.. called D....
mula-mula di awal perkenalan.. hubungan aku dengan D hanyalah hubungan business...
not more than that...
tapi.. pertama kali berjumpa.....
i think she's sweet....
she maybe not that pretty.... but she sweet...
it's been almost 3 weeks since our first date...
dan boleh di katakan hubungan kami berjalan dengan baik...
even we have our life... been bz around..
but we have to sms and called each other...
the worse part is...
aku tak tau macam man nak cakap kat dia yang aku suka kat dia..
and i think that she likes me too.....
well.. my friends said that too....
and the funny part...
aku memang tak tau macam mana nak approach her....
1st timer la katakan.. banyak yang nak kena belajar...
tapi.. betul ker she meant for me?
biar lah jodoh yang menentukan...
kalau betul..
Alhamdulillah.. tak perlu la lagi aku terus dengan dunia aku yang gila2 ni...
dunia yang pernah aku kenali yang tak akan membawa aku ke mana2 pun...
oh well....
we just wait and see....